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Orbital Blast

Level blockout

third person arena shooter

set on an orbital space station

Unreal Engine 5

arena shooter


solo project

12 min / match


Project Details


This project was created as an exercise in designing maps for shooter multiplayer games. Main goal was to create a compact map with good flow that would be fun to play on multiple rematches.


Project Description

A third person arena shooter with 4+ player action (others are AI combatants at the moment). Set on a derelict space station, orbiting a strange extraterrestrial planet, players are battling against time and themselves to win before the engines of this sci-fi compound implode and launch everyone into the vacuum!


Level Goals

- create a medium sized classic arena shooter map

- multiple game modes compatible: deathmatch, CTF etc.


- Unreal Tournament, Quake III arena, Halo multiplayer


- science fiction

- orbital space station, arena battle


- Unreal Engine 5

- Lyra Game Sample

Game Design

NPCs - Enemies

- other players

- AI bots - same character as the PC

Environment Mechanics

- jump pad

- dash pad

- end timer


- health pickups

- weapon pickups and ammo

- weapon types

- pistol

- automatic rifle

- shotgun


- deathmatch

- team deathmatch

- capture the flag

- duel (1on1)

concept art by Blake Rottinger

Design Process

Level research


The research process for this level was very different from other personal projects since it was for a multiplayer map. I did not want to rely so much on preproduction and brainstorming, rather I hopped into 3D blockout as soon as I had the basic concepts and ideas laid out.

Level Design Document

The sum of research and brainstorming can be found in the document in the link for download below.

Mood & Atmosphere

derelict, gritty, sci-fi, industrial hallways, mixed up with once living quarters of a giant circular space station


Scale & Architectural Style

- orbital space station is circular in shape, consisting of hallways and multistory connection areas

- encompasses only a part of the full space station

- gritty industrial with parts being almost high futuristic with paneling and holograms

Major Areas / Rooms

- exploding core room

- central processing room

- elevator hall

- cryo chambers

- piloting room

ob moodboard_edited.jpg


Diagrams & Sketches


The 2D drawing phase for this level was quite short in order to get to the 3D blockout as soon as possible: simply because I could not get the feel of the space on paper and needed to design in 3D as soon as possible. Nevertheless, this map saw its fair share of layout iteration before getting to the final design.


Initial diagram

- whole level project started as a sketch from an old notebook

- the idea for it started as a premise for a multiplayer shooter map, set in space on an exploding space station, and the players had to race against the time to win

- various sketched ideas were initially considered for the final layout

- all of the variations always consisted of a core in a middle (not necessarily the middle of the map!) and the circular hallways encompassing it


- with various connections and vertical solutions throughout the design phase


Designing the Blockout


Moving from layout variations, the blockout also had its start with different layouts being considered. The final design was then a product of thorough testing in game engine, to see the blockout and space in 3D, to get its flow and achieve optimal player immersion and movement flow.

Major Level Areas

The final blockout consists of the main central Core Engine Chamber. Two smaller control rooms which give way to the outer planetary galleries. Galleries are connected via a system of vertical Halls that open to several floors and act as a stop and a breather from the fast paced directional movement of the elongated galleries.

Level Features

In this project I used Unreal engines Lyra Game Sample, which came with its premade game modes, game mechanics and elements for a shooter style game.

Full Playthrough


Playtesting the Level


The final step in level creation was playtesting. I gathered a wide variety of people to play the game, with various experiences in playing video games. This was done to collect as much feedback and level bugs as possible.

Testers Feedback

Playtesters feedback and notes were a great source of revision for the level. Not only did it point out the bugs that were critical for the playability of the level but also gave insight into what the players liked and disliked and gave me a clearer path to polishing the level.

Level Pros
- most of the testers agreed that their favorite area were the outer galleries, overlooking the planetary system
- they also applauded the map layout and the fast paced action it facilitates with its winding corridors and vertical halls

Level Cons
- AI difficulty was the first problem - the default AI was very fast, aggressive and had almost perfect shooting accuracy - so I had to nerf them quite a bit down to make the level playable for a wider range of players
- some of the first designs of the engine core room, contained a spherical core in the middle that glowed in strong emissive light, few of the players complained that it was too distracting and that it was actively reducing their ability to play in that area, so I decided to change the room layout and lessen the light intensity in the core room
- in some iterations the galleries had thick diagonal beams going through them, a lot of players were getting caught between them with player collision, so I had to redesign them and remove them

This map was a great opportunity to learn and advance my knowledge in multiplayer game design.
The main key point I would take from this project is how to think about level design and designing space when it is defined by the conventions and spatial patterns of the genre.
Also it was very fun to design something in a sci fi setting - which in itself requires a different approach of shaping the playable space, then it would be for a realistic or more fantasy type of games.
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