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Arcane Ascent

Level blockout

3D isometric adventure platformer

inspired by Metroidvania and dark fantasy games

Unreal Engine 5

3D platformer

 single player

solo project

10-20 min


Project Details


The idea for this project was to create a blockout for a starting level that would act as a tutorial, where the game teaches the player the basic mechanics and introduces them to the story and lore of the world.

arcane ascent concept art

concept art by Raphael Lacoste


Level Goals

- intro tutorial level blockout

- 10 -20 min

- teach the player basic skills & mechanics


- Tunic, Deaths Door, Hollow Knight

- soulsborne games


- dark fantasy, medieval fantasy, grimdark

- adventure, exploration, magic


- Unreal Engine

- UE custom made Blueprints

- Top-down game template

- Cubegrid Tool for modeling


Project Description

In this Metroidvania like fantasy adventure our protagonist - a little fellow of extraordinary magical abilities - visits a long abandoned Castle, that was once a center point of magical studies and long forgotten knowledge. The purpose of this visit is to find a cure for its troubling curse and to find the answers about its magical origin. The Castle baffles with its enormous size and countless halls seeping with ancient secrets and arcane mysteries. Its innumerable chambers hide a vast array of enemies, magical items and traps that will challenge any visitor.

Now our little protagonist - armed only with its infinite determination and will, sets on an adventure to visit the castle, learn its magical secrets and find the solution to its evading short life.

Design Process

Level research


While researching for this level I was greatly inspired by old medieval castles, fantasy genre games and other media. The research led to a phase of brainstorming where all those different concepts and ideas crystalized to form the design basis for the intro level.

Level Design Document

The sum of research and brainstorming can be found in the document in the link for download below.

Mood & Atmosphere
- gritty, dark fantasy, medieval
- crumbling, abandoned medieval castle with ancient alchemical and mystical technological contraptions
- vegetation and foliage reclaiming parts of the castle
- architectural style - mostly early medieval and fortification architecture with gothic details in the interiors

- the great entry bridge
- the gates / portcullis
- inner courtyard
- grand staircase

- open the castle gates which lead to the staircase and the rest of the game
- intro text, context and lore
- end credits

AA moodboard V.jpg


Diagrams & Sketches


Following the research and brainstorming phase I drew several sketches on paper to get the better feel and sense of space, and to use the 2D layout as a base for creating a 3D blockout later.

Bubble diagram

For the initial diagram I determined the main areas that would be traversable. These areas were then connected by paths of varying importance - main path, optional path, blocked path, one way route, etc.


Level Topview


The blockout for this level was done completely in Unreal Engine 5 using the new Cubegrid Tool. The layout sketch was used as a base to model the areas and the pathways of the level. Parts of the level were also color coded to signal to the player the usability and the traversability of particular level sections.

Level Flow & Beats

The whole level encompasses several distinct areas - every one of them with unique palette, lighting and architecture that should help the player recognize its location at any time.

Level Features

Some of the mechanics and features I scripted in the level blockout using Unreal engines Blueprint systems, to make the experience as close to the actual gameplay as possible.

Full Playthrough


Playtesting the Level


The final step in level creation was playtesting. I gathered a wide variety of people to play the game, with various experiences in playing video games. This was done to collect as much feedback and level bugs as possible.

Testers Feedback

Average Playtime- on average it was 15 - 20 min which satisfied the initial duration goals

Level Pros
- most playtesters liked the staircase and the entry bridge areas the most, so I lengthened this sections and added some more elements that could enhance the gameplay experience
- most of them also found the Mana Essence collecting fun and requested more additional essence items to be found
- on average the testers found the level length and pacing satisfactory and very well balanced

Level Cons
- in the initial testing the thing the playtesters disliked the most was the jumping and the jumping sections - so I changed the jumping parameters to make it more controllable and predictable, and also change some of the blockout sections in which the testers struggled the most while jumping through platforms
- some of the default level mesh collisions were confusing and inconsistent so they needed to be swapped for custom collision meshes, or even some places required adding hidden collision meshes - like the transparent purple blocks seen in the bug report screenshots - to help streamline the players experience even further
Working on this level was a great experience to learn a lot about designing levels for single player fantasy adventure type of games, and also it was a great venue to upgrade my skills with Unreal engines Blueprint system.
If I had to do it again I would definitely dedicate more time to shaping the geometry to better suit the perspective view. In some spaces it felt like the level geometry was concealing too much to the player, and in others revealing too much.
Also the level could benefit from a lot more dynamic assets in the areas, maybe even more scripted sequences.
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